
Your suggestions for implementing Uniform Civil Code in Gujarat are welcome.

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Questionnaire on Uniform Civil Code-Gujarat
1 Are you aware that Article 44 of the Constitution of India provides that "the State shall endeavour to secure for the citizens a Uniform Civil Code throughout the territory of India"? *
2 Do you support the implementation of Uniform Civil Code (UCC) in Gujarat? *
3 Should the (UCC) include all or some of these subjects?
3.1 Marriage
Remaining characters: 150
3.2 Divorce
Remaining characters: 150
3.3 Maintenance
Remaining characters: 150
3.4 Live-in relationship
Remaining characters: 150
4 Religion based family laws, at times, treat the rights of men and women differently. Do you agree that this differential treatment should be done away with?
5 Should there be compulsory registration of divorce and nullity of marriage?
6 Should there be common grounds for divorce applicable to all communities ?
7 Do you believe UCC should eliminate discriminatory divorce laws that favour one gender over another?
8 Should there be a uniform law for maintenance on divorce?
9 Do you think the implementation of the Uniform Civil Code (UCC) will help in reducing legal disputes and making legal processes more efficient?
10 Do you think the Uniform Civil Code (UCC) can be implemented without infringing the fundamental rights guaranteed under the constitution?
11 Should the UCC ensure equal property rights for men and women across all communities?
12 Should UCC include provisions to protect the rights of women in live-in relationships, such as financial support and inheritance rights?
13 Should UCC include provisions to protect the inheritance and maintenance rights of children born of live-in relationships?


Note:  Your suggestion allowed maximun 600 characters
Remaining characters: 600

Upload your Suggestions (PDF)

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