Shri Narendra Modi
Hon’ble Prime Minister, India


Shri Bhupendrabhai Patel
Hon’ble Chief Minister, Gujarat

Your suggestions on implementing Uniform Civil Code in Gujarat are welcome.


Your suggestions on implementing Uniform Civil Code in Gujarat are welcome.


Uniform Civil Code Committee, Gujarat

Hon’ble Justice (R.),
Ranjana Prakash Desai,
Chairperson, Uniform Civil Code Committee, Gujarat

The Government of Gujarat has constituted a committee to assess the need for implementing Uniform Civil Code in Gujarat and then, based on the assessed need, suggest the contours of such a law. In the process, the committee would be reviewing the existing laws relating to regulation of personal civil matters of the residents of Gujarat.


Shri C. L. Meena
IAS (R.)
Shri R. C. Kodekar
Senior Advocate
Shri Dakshesh Thakar
Former Vice-chancellor, VNSGU
Ms. Gita Shroff
Social Activist

The Government of Gujarat has constituted a committee to assess the need for implementing Uniform Civil Code in Gujarat and then, based on the assessed need, suggest the contours of such a law. In the process, the committee would be reviewing the existing laws relating to regulation of personal civil matters of the residents of Gujarat.

To fully appreciate the relevant issues having a bearing on this important subject, the Committee appeals to the residents of Gujarat and Gujarat based organizations including government agencies, non-government organizations, social groups & communities, religious bodies and political parties, to put forth their opinions, views, suggestions and representations through e-mail (ucc@gujarat.gov.in) or through web-portal (https://uccgujarat.in) or through post (Address - Uniform Civil Code Committee Office, Karmayogi Bhavan, Block No. 1, A Wing, 6th floor, Sector 10 A, Gandhinagar, Gujarat - 382010) on or before 24/03/2025.

Give your Suggestion

Contact Info

Contact us

Uniform Civil Code Committee Office, Karmayogi Bhavan, Block No. 1, A Wing, 6th floor, Sector 10 A, Gandhinagar, Gujarat - 382010.

Email Address


Landline No.

079 - 23253443